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Why Is Canada Experiencing A Massive Spike Of UFO Sightings?

Residents in the city of Quebec, Canada, have reported an unusual rise in UFO sightings recently.  According to a 2015 survey conducted by Ufology Research, a huge number of Canadians reported weird skyward spheres, blinding lights in the firmament, and bright orbs that rapidly appear and disappear in the sky. According to the Toronto Sun: The Winnipeg group’s annual report calls Canada “a nation rich in storytelling,” but stresses that studying reports of sightings means combining witness accounts with the search for “objective truth.” Is it something man-made? Is it a figment of one’s imagination? Is it driven by contemporary culture’s storytelling about strange celestial sightings? Or could it be, the report asks, “another form of life we cannot begin to understand?” Quebec accounted for 35% of all reported sightings in Canada last year — a big spike for a province sitting between 5% and 15% in previous years. “We wish we knew exactly what is going on,” said Ufology Research’s Chris Rutkowski. “There is some suggestion that maybe the media were a little more interested in UFO sightings, that maybe there was a media push in Quebec last year that resulted in more people looking up into the sky.” [...]