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Wiretaps Reveal Netanyahu Bribed Republicans To Sabotage Iran Deal

NSA wiretaps have revealed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu bribed American legislators in exchange for their support to sabotage Obama’s nuclear peace deal with Iran.  A report by the Wall Street Journal reveals that the Israeli PM and other government officials in Israel bribed Republicans in exchange for their support against the peace deal. reports: “A U.S. intelligence official familiar with the intercepts said Israel’s pitch to undecided lawmakers often included such questions as: “How can we get your vote? What’s it going to take? Mr. Netanyahu and some of his allies voiced confidence they could win enough votes.” The answers to Israeli proposals have yet to be fully revealed, but it is clear that favors were offered – bribes were proposed – and from the subsequent behavior of Republican lawmakers, we can only infer that our legislators accepted those bribes, from a foreign government in exchange for opposing the diplomatic efforts of the Obama Administration. At the very least, the very discussion itself indicates that they conspired with a foreign government to undermine the foreign policy agenda of their elected Commander-in-Chief, which certainly amounts to treason. Given the fact that Republican politicians are notorious for the amount of money [...]