Brazilian civil servants have discovered the world’s oldest living man still going on strong at the age of 131 and drawing a pension. The man lives with his wife who is 69 years his junior, eats three meals a day and has three children, including a daughter aged thirty. Mail Online reports: The Guinness Book of Records recognises 112-year-old Yasutaro Koide from Japan as the oldest person alive. And Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment, who died aged 122 in 1997, holds the record for the world’s longest living person. But social security workers in Acre in north Brazil today caused a stir by publishing photographs of Joao Coelho de Souza alongside a birth certificate dated March 10, 1884. The document showed he was born in the city of Meruoca in Ceara nearly 2,000 miles to the east of Acre. A colleague of a civil servant who made a routine visit to confirm he was still alive, and therefore eligible for his pension, posted the information on his Facebook. He called on the state government to confirm the find and register Joao for the Guinness Book of Records. Brazilian papers today said he lived with a wife aged 62 and a granddaughter aged 16 in [...]