The Zika virus has been known to infect people in Africa, South and Central America and Asia for more than 70 years without causing any birth defects. The Brazilian government recently declared an emergency after 2,400 babies were found to be born with shrunken heads and brain defects believed to be linked to mosquitoes carrying the Zika Virus…. But could there be a link between the introduction of the Tdap vaccination that women in Latin America were urged to get before they were 22 weeks pregnant, and the birth of babies with these deformities called “Microcephaly” (literally ‘tiny head’)? The following is an article from Brazilian shrunken head babies blog: In late 2014, the Ministry of Health of Brazil announced the introduction of the Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis) vaccine for all pregnant women in that country as part of its routine vaccination program. The move was aimed at trying to contain the resurgence of pertussis in Brazil. In December 2015, the Brazilian government declared an emergency after 2,400 Brazilian babies were found to be born with shrunken heads (microcephaly) and damaged brains since October. Brazilian public health officials don’t know what is causing the increase in microcephaly cases [...]