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The Vatican Own A Time Travel Device, Insiders Claim

The Vatican may own a time travel device that enables them to see future events and look at scenes from the past, according to a several insiders.  The device known as a Cronovisor may be one of the biggest secrets kept from humanity and it could explain why the Church have maintained its immense power in recent years despite a decline in believers. The time travelling device was built in the 1950’s by a team of scientists led by Father Pellegrino Maria Ernetti – an Italian physicist who went on to become a priest. reports: This oversized cupboard was equipped with antennas made from exotic alloys, cathode ray tubes, dials and levers. According to Father Ernetti, its users could capture and record specific locations, events and particularly important individuals from Earth’s history. Under the right conditions, it offered possible scenarios that were to occur in the near future. Ernetti said that he was not at liberty to discuss details regarding the Chronovisor. However, he unveiled that it worked by processing residual electromagnetic radiation left over by different processes. The priest used the device to witness several important events, the most notable of which was the crucifixion of Christ. This cronovisor [...]