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FBI Admit They Had Conspiracy Author Bill Cooper Under Surveillance

A FOIA request has revealed that the FBI had former alternative researcher, author and broadcaster William (Bill) Cooper under heavy surveillance prior to his murder in 2001.  Hundreds of unclassified documents reveal that the FBI viewed Cooper as an “armed and dangerous” person who harboured “anti-government” views. The documents describe Bill as being “convinced there is a government sponsored socialist conspiracy to establish a ‘new world order’“. reports: Cooper, best known for his underground best seller, “Behold a Pale Horse”, caught the FBI’s attention in 1997 over controversial allegations surrounding the Oklahoma City (OKC) bombing and Timothy McVeigh, the FOIA shows. In his broadcast, Hour of the Time, he often called the tragic incident a false flag attack by criminal elements of our government. Shortly after the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah federal building, Rush Limbaugh read a White House memo on the air during his broadcast which named William Cooper, “…the most dangerous radio host in America”. This contributed to Cooper believing that he was personally targeted by President Bill Clinton and the IRS for tax evasion. He often addressed his concerns over his daily broadcast, Hour of the Time, and Project VERITAS publications. An unnamed Deputy Marshall [...]