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Authorities In California Admit To Weather Modification

Authorities in Los Angles have admitted to using weather modification techniques this week in order to boost water supplies amid a widespread drought in California.  Los Angeles Country say they seeded clouds with silver iodide in order to increase the rainfall during Monday’s storm. reports: Los Angeles County has used cloud seeding to boost water supplies since the 1950s, backing off in times of heavy rain or when wildfire devastation creates an outsized risk of flooding or debris flows. A 2009 cloud seeding contract for services was terminated following the Station Fire, which burned roughly 250 square miles of the Angeles National Forest. Then, last October, the state’s severe drought led the Board of Supervisors to approve a new one-year contract with Utah-based North American Weather Consultants for up to $550,000 per year. This week’s storm offered a good opportunity for “the first go-round for cloud seeding” this season, DPW spokesman Steve Frasher said. NAWC has set up land-based generators in 10 locations between Sylmar and Pacoima, Fraser said. Only some of those generators were used Sunday night, as weather conditions were not ideal in all areas. The generators shoot silver iodide into the clouds, creating ice particles. Water [...]