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Senior Breitbart Staffers Resign After Trump Assault

Editor-at-large Ben Shapiro announced his resignation from Breitbart after the news organisation covered-up an alleged assault by Donald Trump’s campaign manager on a fellow Breitbart reporter.  Michelle Fields claims a Trump staffer forcefully pushed her away from interviewing the Presidential candidate at a news conference in Florida, and as a result of Breitbart downplaying the incident both Shapiro and Fields announced their resignation on Sunday night. reports: Four others, including national security correspondent Jordan Schachtel and editor Jarrett Stepman, left the news site since the incident. Schachtel wrote that Breitbart is “no longer a jornalistic enterprise,” claiming it resembles a “media super-PAC for the Trump campaign.” Shapiro, an Orthodox Jew and syndicated columnist, was an editor at large for the right-wing site founded by the late Andrew Breitbart. “Andrew [Breitbart’s] life mission has been betrayed,” Shapiro wrote in a statement he submitted to Buzzfeed. “Indeed, Breitbart News, under the chairmanship of Steve Bannon, has put a stake through the heart of Andrew’s legacy. In my opinion, Steve Bannon is a bully, and has sold out Andrew’s mission in order to back another bully, Donald Trump; he has shaped the company into Trump’s personal Pravda, to the extent that he abandoned [...]