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Osborne Faces Commons Defeat Over Plans To Slash Disability Benefits

British chancellor George Osborne is facing the prospect of a politically damaging and financially costly U-turn as dissent within the Conservative Party grows over his plans to cut £4.4 billion from disability benefits. Osborne is now under pressure to compromise over his cruel plans to reduce Personal Independence Payments(PIP) to more than 600,000 people with long-term health problems. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has accused Mr Osborne of “declaring war on the disabled” and said he would be seeking to force a Commons vote as soon as possible. Party sources also predicted the measure could face opposition in the Lords. The Independent reports: The Conservative MP Andrew Percy, who has organised a letter of protest signed by Tory backbenchers, warned the cut would hit “exactly the wrong people” and argued it would have been better to put a penny or two on fuel duty in the Budget. He said: “The Government has a small majority, so you don’t need many for this to be a problem of parliamentary arithmetic. It is fair to say the numbers on this who have expressed concern are very significant indeed.” One MP said there was a “big row internally” about the proposal, while another said: [...]