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A Video Of A Disappearing Woman In The Background Is Going Viral

A video has recently gone viral where a woman in the background of an airport baggage check area seems to completely disappear. Buzzfeed reports that the video of the disappearing woman was originally filmed as a TMZ-esque impromptu interview for Denmark’s TV 2 Sports Center: The clip takes place at the Copenhagen airport as the national women’s handball head coach Klavs Bruun Jørgensen is being interviewed next to a luggage carousel. In the background, handball expert Trine Jensen can be seen at the beginning of the clip. As the interview goes on, another woman pushing a cart passes in front of Jensen. At that point, the woman behind Jensen seemingly disappears. The clip was featured on Danish late night talk show Natholdet, and has been duplicated on several YouTube channels. So, tell us – what do you think we are being shown in this video: