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Syria Says Brussels Attacks Resulted From ‘Wrong Policies’

A Syrian Foreign Ministry official  strongly condemned the Brussels attacks but added that they were the inevitable result of  “wrong policies” from certain countries and a “tolerance for terrorism” to achieve certain agendas. The ministry urged the international community to exert all efforts to counter the threat of terror and stop the flow of support to the jihadi groups in Syria. RT reports: The bombings in the Belgian capital are “an inevitable consequence of the wrong policies and of tolerance for terrorism to realize certain agendas,” a source in the Syrian Foreign Ministry told SANA state news agency on Tuesday. The source added that bombings were the consequence of some countries “describing terrorist groups as moderate.” It urged nations to unite their efforts “to curb the conduct of the countries supporting terrorism and compel them to stop providing support to the terrorist organizations in any form in preservation of the peace and stability of the region and world.” The statement said that Syria strongly condemns the attacks and sends its “condolences and sympathy” to the families of the victims. Two blasts rocked the departure hall of Brussels’ Zaventem Airport early on Tuesday morning. They were followed by an explosion in [...]