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Trump Proposes Fascist Measures Against Muslims After Brussels Attacks

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump is all pumped up against Muslims, calling for surveillance, torture and banning of people from the Islamic faith following the Belgium terror attacks. “This is going to happen in the United States,” said Trump on his social media account, hours after the horrific suicide bombings in Brussels. He also said that the country of “Belgium” is one of the most beautiful “cities” in the world. How does he get away with it all? Only time will tell. Maybe it is not that difficult being a billionaire! Maybe it is not that difficult even becoming one; one now wonders. Sputnik reports: The reality television star and real estate mogul-turned-political-candidate reiterated his call to ban Muslims from traveling to the United States. “This is just the beginning,” said Trump, “It will get worse and worse because we are lax and we are foolish – we cannot allow these people to come into our country.” The self-described Republican also made reference to the December 2015 San Bernardino attacks that killed 14 while calling for the ban. “It’s time to stop accepting Muslims because frankly we’re having problems with the Muslims coming into this country.” In a separate interview, Trump stated this morning that Tuesday’s attacks are evidence that America must begin [...]