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Bernie Sanders Powerless Against Global Capitalism

US presidential candidates in both main parties embrace and propose to expand on American imperialism to secure resources for the country. America has been the dominant force in capitalist imperialism since winning the first and second world wars. Bernie Sanders’ dream of a revolution to kick out the Establishment and replace them with “peace-loving” democratic institutes that serve the people, and expecting the Elite to pay their fair share is a pipe dream, unless the Elite are willing to dismantle the whole structure of global capitalism, which is unlikely because the whole American way of life depends on it. The military industrial complex with their banking partners and politician friends would point out to Bernie that the communist system was a historical failure. The Democratic presidential hopeful has no chance of making a dent in the Establishments ‘one world order’ plan even if he becomes president. Failure to find an alternative to replace capitalism means we can only watch as the global Elite achieve their imperialist dream. No person, no party and no country can stand in the way of a capitalist system that has gone haywire, is global, has no opponent on earth, and is being controlled by the [...]