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Bernie Sanders Prepares To Take Down Hillary In Her Home State

Bernie Sanders has won five of the last six Democratic presidential contests and after last nights overwhelming defeat of his rival, is now preparing to follow through with a knock-down punch at a showdown in Hillary Clinton’s home state. Everyone is getting to #feelthebern, including Hillary Clinton, from an energized revolutionary who has started a political revolution across America, a land that he believes belongs to the people and not some entity, corporate or otherwise. The Telegraph reports: Mr Sander’s routs in Alaska, Washington State and Hawaii have dented Mrs Clinton’s armour, leaving her exposed to losses as the contest moves to the country’s more liberal northwestern states. “Now that we’re heading into a progressive part of the country, we expect to do much better,” the socialist Vermont senator said after his victories at the weekend. “There is a path to victory.” Mrs Clinton has been eager to pivot her focus to the general election, aiming her attacks at Donald Trump, the Republican frontrunner in an implicit signal she believes the Democratic nomination is already hers. But Mr Sanders’ sweeping primary victories have given his underdog campaign a momentum she can no longer ignore. Energising the electorate enough to prompt voter [...]