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UN Report: Turkey Is Main Supplier Of Weapons To ISIS

Moscow has submitted evidence of Turkey’s illegal arming of ISIS militants in Syria to the UN Security Council, saying that Turkey are the biggest sponsor of terrorism and supplier of weapons to ISIS fighters than any other country.  Russian UN envoy Vitaly Churkin announced, “the main supplier of weapons and military equipment to ISIL fighters is Turkey, which is doing so through non-governmental organizations. Work in this area is overseen by the National Intelligence Organization of Turkey“. reports: According to the envoy, transportation “mainly involves vehicles, including as part of humanitarian aid convoys.” The letter mentioned several NGOs – funded from Turkish and foreign sources – which sent different cargo, including military equipment, to Syria last year. “The Besar foundation (President — D. Sanli) is most actively engaged in pursuing these objectives and, in 2015, formed around 50 convoys to the Turkmen areas of Bayirbucak and Kiziltepe (260km north of Damascus),” Churkin stressed, adding that the Iyilikder Foundation and the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms were also involved. The deliveries are performed through various checkpoints on the Turkish-Syrian border as well as waterways, particularly the Euphrates River, the letter said. The weaponry received by the terrorists in recent months [...]