Rupert Murdoch owned publication, Vice magazine, has launched a war against conspiracy theorists in its latest issue this April 2016. According to Vice, a former conspiracy theorist who claims the world of conspiracies is a big “cult”, represents the entire world of alternative media which they say needs to be shut down. Stephanie Wittschier told Vice Magazine that “truthers” (or conspiracy theorists) are dangerous nazi’s who want to lure people into joining their dangerous cult. According to the hit-piece: The 35-year-old German was deep into the conspiracy theory scene for years before she dropped out, turning her attention to educating outsiders about the sinister truth behind Third Reich truthers and “chemmies” a.k.a people who believe the government is dumping toxic agents in plane vapor trails. Now she and her husband, Kai, run a Facebook page and Twitter account called Die lockere Schraube (“The Loose Screw”). And they’ve since incurred the wrath of their former conspiracy colleagues. Wittschier’s journey into the world of conspiracy theories began when she watched a documentary about the alleged inconsistencies in the 9/11 attacks. “Immediately afterwards she went online and googled ‘conspiracy’ and ‘9/11,'” Kai told Broadly. Wittschier got hooked. “She started to talk about [...]