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More Than A Million Are Destitute In 21st Century Britain

In Britain’s first study into destitution, it has been found that over a million people across the UK are living in such severe poverty they cannot afford to keep warm, stay clean or buy food. More than three-quarters of destitute people reported going without meals and more than half were unable to heat their home. The shocking new report revealed that 1.25 million people were destitute in Britain during 2015, 312,000 of which were children RT reports: The report, which was commissioned by UK charity the Joseph Rowntree Trust (JRT), used a new method to measure the scale of extreme poverty in Britain. At present, there are no official government estimates of the level of destitution across the UK. But amid growing concern that extreme poverty is on the rise, the JRF commissioned a special report to investigate the matter. The study was conducted by academics at Herriot-Watt University, a range of other experts and a number of key UK service providers. It took two years to complete, and was published on Wednesday. New report: 1.25m people, including over 300k children, are destitute #UKdestitution — Joseph Rowntree Fdn. (@jrf_uk) April 27, 2016 It found that a startling 1.25 million people [...]