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Anti-Semitism Excuse Used To Enforce Israeli Will & Crush Palestinians

The recent anti-Semitism which-hunt in the Labour Party will have far reaching consequences for the party and politics in the UK. Besides putting in place pressure to stifle criticism of Israel, it also subjects the Palestinians to suffer quietly, for even words would not be permitted to direct conversation and action towards their plight. In the meantime men of honour will be humiliated, freedom curtailed and anti-Semitism used as a baton to bash the Palestinians and their supporters, both figuratively and literally, at home and abroad, for the ever present needs of Israel.  A report by Middle East Monitor : Deadly Israeli euphemisms By Asa Winstanley The number of allegations of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party is currently no more than 11 cases. In a party of 380,000 full time members (which may be as many as half a million once you add in registered supporters) that is a statistically insignificant. The level of anti-Semitism in the party is far less than in the general population – something that should be celebrated. There is a concerted campaign going on in the UK, in France, in the US and in the entire western world to suppress any form of criticism of Israel – especially the [...]