There has long been a saying in the eastern provinces of Russia: ‘Cancer is a western invention.’ Now thanks to a British study, this saying has been proved true, and those babushkas (grandmothers) so fond of the saying can say ‘I told you so.’ Researchers at the University of Manchester’s KNH Centre for Biomedical Egyptology reached the conclusion that cancer is 100 percent a man-made disease, and that it is caused by modern day phenomena like pollution, chemicals, stress and dietary intake. Cancer existed in the ancient world but it was extremely rare, affecting only one person out of hundreds, unlike today when it affects one in every two people in the Western world. These findings mirror what babushkas have been saying forever. They would use the famous phrase to warn people against eating Western style fast food, microwave meals, or living a sedentary life in front of computer screens and TV. The British study analysed remains and literature from ancient Egypt and Greece, as well as earlier periods, and the study, published in the journal Nature Reviews Cancer, noted that researchers found only a single occurrence of cancer while investigating hundreds of Egyptian mummies. In addition, they found very [...]