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Saudi Arabia: U.S. Orchestrated 9/11 To Create Fake ‘War On Terror’

Saudi Arabia have issued a scathing attack on the U.S. government, accusing them of orchestrating the 9/11 attacks in order to justify an on-going “war on terror” in the Middle East.  The Saudi press have hit back at the U.S. Senate’s vote approving a bill that allows the families of 9/11 victims to sue the Saudi regime for their deaths. Al-Hayat daily newspaper published an article this week saying that the U.S. government planned the attacks on the World Trade Center in order to create a fake war on terror. reports: The article, written by Saudi legal expert Katib al-Shammari and translated by MEMRI, claims that American threats to expose documents that prove Saudi involvement in the attacks are part of a long-standing U.S. policy that he calls “victory by means of archives.” Al-Shammari claims that the U.S. chooses to keep some cards close to its chest in order to use them at a later date. One example is choosing not to invade Iraq in the 1990s and keeping its leader, Saddam Hussein, alive to use as “a bargaining chip” against other Gulf States. Only once Shi’ism threatened to sweep the region did America act to get rid of Hussein “since they [...]