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Nigel Farage Exposes EU Referendum Fraud

Nigel Farage has said that he believes evidence of EU Referendum fraud has been uncovered, saying that EU migrants without dual nationally have received polling cards illegally.  The leader of UKIP tweeted “I’m getting several emails saying that EU migrants without dual nationality are receiving #EUref polling cards. This needs looking at.” According to the Daily Mail, British voters have moved towards voting to leave the European Union in next month’s referendum according to two surveys by polling firm ICM, surprising investors and sending sterling sharply lower. The “Out” campaign stood three points ahead of “In” in each of the two surveys for the Guardian newspaper, one of which was conducted online and the other by telephone. They were conducted over three days to Sunday after official figures showed on Thursday that British net migration hit the second highest level on record last year. Last week, leaders of the Out camp turned their focus back on migration. Britons will vote on June 23 on whether to remain in the 28-member EU, a choice with far-reaching consequences for politics, the economy, defence and diplomacy in Britain and far beyond. From U.S. President Barack Obama to the International Monetary Fund, a host of world [...]