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Civil Servant Killed After Student Jumps to His Death & Lands On Him

A civil servant has been killed after being hit by a student who jumped to his death from an apartment building in the city of Gwangju, South Korea. Yang Dae-jin, 39, was killed when the 25-year-old student jumped from the 20th floor of an apartment building on Tuesday, The Sunshine Coast Daily reports: Mr Dae-jin sustained severe injuries to his head and later died in hospital. The student was killed instantly. The civil servant was on his way home with his pregnant wife and five-year-old son in Gwangju, South Korea. He had been working in the public relations department in the adjacent county of Gokseong. The student was reportedly preparing to take the civil service exam. “We are considering charging the student with accidental homicide,” a police officer told the Korea Times. “The case will be concluded without indictment as the student is dead, but this procedure is expected to help Yang’s family receive compensation.” Mr Dae-jin’s family have forgiven the student and have decided not to seek compensation, the Korea Joonang Daily reported. Speaking at his funeral, his widow’s 53-year-old uncle, surnamed Seo, reportedly said: “The college student who committed suicide is another victim of our mercilessly competitive society. [...]