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Paranoia Alert: The Trump Trap Has Been Laid

There isn't anything wrong with a little paranoia -- especially when someone is actually out to get you. For the past year, we've heard nothing but horrible things about Trump, how he was 'literally Hitler', an orange pussy grabbing megalomaniac who'd usher in a black age of nuclear fallout and wanton dictatorship. Assholes like Mark Cuban warned of imminent market crashes upon the miracle of him getting elected.

Guess what? Trump won and markets have risen to record highs. The dollar index is at 14 yr highs, and sovereign yields have soared -- effectively raising the borrowing costs for an American economy bedraggled by $20t in government debt.

The whole premise of Trump's candidacy was to expand the middle class by creating shovel ready jobs and punching U.S. multi-nationals in the face until they reopened their factories here.

Pardon me if I view this entire rally with some skepticism, but I was paying attention to the rhetoric coming out of Wall Street and the globalist elite regarding Trump for the past year. They do not like him, and vice versa.

Understand something, this 'Trump Rally' that is being celebrated will go down in the history books as Obama's. After all, the stats will register under his term and future generations will revere him for being the single best President the stock market ever had. His advantage was that Bush fucking destroyed the damned thing into 10,000 pieces before he got it, so all he had to do was golf all day, order some drone strikes, and watch his bailouts reflate America back to its former glory.

The market is being jacked up to bubble levels before Trump gets in, making it harder for him to finance fiscal stimulus -- because yields are blowing out. Am I the only one in the world seeing this? What in the fuck is going on?

There's also a 100% chance that the strong dollar will wreak havoc on American exporters. Remember that shit, fucked face? Strong dollars aren't good for exporters, economics 101. By my vantage point, there's a better than average chance the rug will be pulled after his inauguration -- effectively tying his hands and keeping him busy trying to plug holes -- placing his anti-globalist plans on hold, indefinitely.

Now is that an irrational forecast?

If what I am saying comes to pass, then you're now having a final cocktail on the SS Titanic -- peering over the side of the vessel -- enjoying the wonders of the view and all of its possibilities.

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