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Senator: US Led Coalition Knew ISIS Were Advancing To Palmyra

US Senator Richard Black says that it is inconceivable that the US-led coalition could have overlooked the regrouping and advance of ISIS terrorists from Mosul in Iraq to Palmyra in Syria. He suggests that ISIS is being used as tool by Saudi Arabia, the US & Turkey when it suits their interests. In October is was reported that the US and Saudi Arabia had agreed to grant thousand of ISIS militants free passage out of the Iraqi city of Mosul and into Syria…..And lo and behold earlier this week 4,000 Islamic State terrorists managed to launch an assault on Syria’s ancient city, reinforced by tanks and heavy military hardware.  RT reports: Given that the territory between areas occupied by Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) and Palmyra is a “very barren” rocky desert, “it is unconceivable that the American-led collation could not have seen this massive army moving towards Palmyra,” Senator Black told RT. “I was surprised that ISIS was able to attack Palmyra. It’s important to recognize that the distance from ISIS-held territory [to] Palmyra is approximately 100 miles,” added the senator, who has repeatedly voiced support for Syrian President Bashar Assad in battling the jihadists. The fact that the [...]

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