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Ron Paul: CIA Meddled In ‘Hundreds’ Of Elections

While the US continue to blame Russia for interfering in the US election, it seems the CIA are the experts when it come to meddling in other country’s elections. Former presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul said that US government “propagandists” push for a foreign policy of “intervening around the world” After Hillary Clinton blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin for personally directing a cyberattack that cost her the 2016 presidential election, Dr. Paul shrugged off the allegations as a “fiasco” in an interview for RT where he discusses “fake news” and more RT reports: “I think they’re just agitating, because they lost the election. They’re throwing out accusations and they have no proof,” the former Republican congressman for Texas said. “The same people who are making all these charges, they didn’t seem to be worried a bit by the secretary of state having a private server,” Paul said, “which made it much easier for Russia or anybody else to know what was going on.” Paul, a libertarian advocate of a foreign policy of non-intervention, went on to explain that ideally, the US should not have to worry about any other country having an incentive to interfere in US elections. The root [...]

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