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Ron Paul: US Interferes In Elections ‘All The Time’

Ron Paul has accused the American government of constantly interfering in elections in foreign countries “all the time,” and has slammed them for their hypocrisy. The former US Congressman told Fox Business Network there is barely any proof that Russia influenced the outcome of the US election, but says that America openly influences elections abroad without any ‘outcry’ from the media. reports: “If you review the history of how many elections we’ve been involved with, how many countries we’ve invaded and how many people we’ve killed to have our guy in, I’ll tell you what – we don’t have very much room for condemning anybody else,” he said. Paul said Moscow’s influence on the heated race between Trump and his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton was “insignificant” and Democrats were only using it as an excuse for their candidate’s surprising defeat. “I don’t think it made any difference. But when you lose, you can jump on that and make a big point of it,” he said. The administration of US President Barack Obama has repeatedly claimed that the recent hacking attacks against some Democratic organizations were carried out by Russia as part of Moscow’s plan to interfere in the presidential election. According to [...]

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