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Drones Will Replace Human Security Patrols

In the future aerial drones will patrol the skies guarding vital interests and replace security guards. Drones are the future of security and insecurity, a bonanza for the military industrial complex, who hope to fill the gap between the two extremes. Activist Post reports: By Nicholas West Yesterday, I covered an announcement by the U.S. Navy that they are planning to enhance the swarm capabilities of their drone patrol boats to include decision making without human input. In the video demonstration from that article, called Swarm 2 – Mission: Safe Harbor, various researchers and officials make it clear that swarms of autonomous vehicles are the future of seaborne security. As we know, airborne drones have been employed longer and presumably are further along the developmental path. In fact, as the global drone arms race continues, there is now a burgeoning industry that has to not only create the drones of tomorrow, but to thwart the drones that are bound to be created by adversaries in response. This is a perfect scenario for the military-industrial complex … not so much for those of us who desire a world free of war and surveillance. Yet another complexity that has been introduced is [...]

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