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Insider: George Michael Was ‘Suicided’

An insider has claimed that the establishment did not want George Michael in the ‘limelight’ and that his demise had been planned a few years ago when he had started getting too ‘vocal’ about the establishment and ‘political matters‘. Michael was anti establishment, anti-war, pro- Palestinian and a vigorous opponent of the 2003 Iraq War. In 2002 he released “Shoot the Dog,” a song that lampooned the then British Prime Minister Tony Blair for his close relationship with former US President George W. Bush. The video that accompanied the song caused a great wave of controversy as it portrayed Blair as Bush’s poodle. Michael was planning a comeback for 2017 and was working on a new album that would have been the late singer’s first recording since 2014. A post-mortem examination into the cause of George Michael’s death has been inconclusive, police have confirmed. In a statement they have said “further tests will now be carried out” to determine what happened. Meanwhile on Sunday morning George Michael’s partner allegedly posted a series of tweets claiming that the late singer took his own life after numerous suicide attempts. According to Fadi Fawaz “The only thing George wanted is to DIE. He [...]

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