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Anonymous: ‘Western Leaders Will Be Dragged Through Streets In 2017’

Hacking group Anonymous have threatened to “drag Western leaders through the streets” in 2017, with the hacking collective releasing a New Years video stating that the time for peaceful protests is over and “the time to act is now.” The spokesman said: “For years we have been a force for good on this battlefield, fighting for our basic rights. Protesting peacefully, spreading the truth, a bloodless conflict, but now it appears that the day we have been waiting for is at last upon us and the time to act is now.“ In a chilling reference to the 2011 capture of former Libyan dictator Colonel Gadaffi, who was dragged through the streets and beaten to death, the spokesman said that this will be the fate of Western politicians in 2017: “We will be there when the people you tried to control storm your buildings and drag their dictators through the streets.” The Express reports: The mysterious organisation, which once waged a cyber war on ISIS and is famously anti-capitalist, claims 2017 is a year when nuclear war could break out if it does not take action. The leaderless collective produces videos which feature a CGI masked and hooded spokesman who talks with [...]

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