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Fire On Titanic Weakened Hull Before Ship Hit Iceberg

A new theory suggests that a raging coal fire on board RMS Titanic, started before the ship had left on its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York, contributed to its demise. New evidence points to marks found on the hull where the ship came into contact with an iceberg. The marks point to a well-documented coal fire that had broken out in that part of the ship before Titanic had left Southampton on its ill-fated journey. It appears that the liner was rushing to get to New York while handicapped with a weakened hull and a smouldering fire below deck. The Titanic was sunk more than a century ago when it hit an iceberg at speed, off the coast of Newfoundland, killing more than 1,500 people. Science Alert reports: To be clear, the iceberg still struck the fatal blow, but new photos have come to light that show signs of damage to the hull, possibly caused by a fire below deck. Irish journalist and author Senan Molony, who has been studying the disaster for 30 years, says the weakened sections of the hull made it impossible for the Titanic to withstand the iceberg impact. His new hypothesis is being [...]

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