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Russia Is Getting Sick & Tired Of Hacking Witch Hunt Says Kremlin

Russia is getting “tired” of  Washington’s “baseless allegations” which accuse Moscow of meddling in the 2016 US presidential election. US officials, including outgoing President Barack Obama, have accused the Kremlin of carrying out cyberattacks against US political organizations in order to help Donald Trump win the White House. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters that the groundless accusations amounted to a “witch-hunt” Obama has also warned his successor Donald Trump that Vladimir Putin is an “adversary” who should never be trusted over the US intelligence community. Press TV reports: On Friday, the US intelligence community released an unclassified report claiming that the Russian government directed hackers to target various Democratic Party organizations and operatives to influence the outcome of the election. Speaking to reporters on Monday in the Kremlin, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s chief spokesman and aide, Dmitry Peskov, denounced the US hacking claims. “These are baseless allegations substantiated with nothing, done on a rather amateurish, emotional level that is hardly worthy of professional work of truly world-class security services,” he said. “We still don’t know what data is really being used by those who present such unfounded accusations,” Peskov stated, adding that Moscow was “categorically denying any implication” it [...]

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