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Obama Bombshell: ‘DNC Emails Were Leaked’ – Not Hacked By Russia

President Obama dropped a bombshell during his final press conference, admitting that the DNC emails published by Wikileaks were leaked from within the DNC – not hacked by Russia. As such, Obama just called Hillary Clinton, the Democrat establishment and the mainstream media – who have all been frantically trying to convince the world that the Russians did it – a pack of liars. Around the eight-minute mark of the press conference, Obama says he hasn’t “commented on WikiLeaks generally,” and that the “conclusions of the intelligence community with respect to the Russian hacking were not conclusive as to whether WikiLeaks was witting or not in being the conduit through which we heard about the [Democratic National Committee] DNC e-mails that were leaked.” To Craig Murray, an author and broadcaster, Obama’s comment clarified that the U.S. government has “no evidence of how WikiLeaks got the DNC material.” Obama’s statement is important, Murray continues, because it “undermines the stream of completely evidence-free nonsense that has been emerging from the [U.S.] intelligence services this last two months, in which a series of suppositions have been strung together to make unfounded assertions that have been repeated again and again in the mainstream media.” Referring [...]

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