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Russia: Obama Sold His Soul To The New World Order

Barack Obama sold his soul to the New World Order and used the United States as the globalist’s military arm to create instability around the world, while disrespecting traditional Western and Christian values at home, according to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Russia wasted no time in sending Obama off in style, with Prime Minister Medvedev taking radio interviews and publishing a brutal condemnation of the former US President on his official Facebook page just minutes after Trump was sworn in as the new President of the United States of America. According to Medvedev, Obama is leaving office with the blood of tens of thousands of innocents on his hands. Obama’s “reckless” policies led to “the complete collapse of the political systems” and corruption of values in society. “Everyone is aware that the United States has always tried to ‘steer’ almost all global processes, brazenly interfering in the internal affairs of various countries and waging multiple wars on foreign soil. Iraq, the Arab Spring, Ukraine, and Syria are just a few examples of such reckless policies in recent years. We can still see their consequences.“ These wars, Medvedev pointed out, “claimed tens of thousands of lives.” Taking the verbal humiliation up a notch, [...]

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