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Women’s March: 500,000 March In Washington To Protest Trump Presidency

Women around the globe have been taking to the streets today in protest against the new US president Donald Trump. In Washington DC, half a million people have been turning out to stand up for gender equality, healthcare for women and other issues thought to be threatened under Trump’s presidency. In London, thousands marched from the US embassy on Grosvenor Square to Trafalgar Square in a stand united against Trump. Demonstrators have even be marching against him in Antarctica. BREAKING: Antarctica announces #womensmarch, expanding the movement to 7 continents! #womensmarchglobal via @grist — Womens March Global (@WM_Global) January 20, 2017 RT reports: Reports on Saturday suggest that as many as 500,000 people have turned up to make the walk from Independence Avenue towards the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue. According to Women’s March organizers, the event aims to protect human rights which have been “threatened” and “insulted” during the recent US presidential election. The Women’s March on Washington will send a bold message to our new government on their first day in office, and to the world that women’s rights are human rights,” the group said online. “We stand together, recognizing that defending the most marginalized among us is [...]

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