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German Supreme Court Rules Measles Does Not Exist

Judges at the German Federal Supreme Court have confirmed that the measles virus does not exist, vindicating conspiracy theorists who have said that no study has ever proven the existence of the virus. According to the judgement by the Supreme Court, the measles vaccination may have been injected into millions of unsuspecting German citizens for sinister reasons. reports: The First Civil Senate of the BGH has confirmed the judgment by the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart (OLG) of the 16 February 2016. The sum of €100,000 which I had offered as a reward for scientific proof of the existence of the alleged measles virus does not have to be paid to the plaintiff. The plaintiff also was ordered to bear all procedural costs. Five experts have been involved in the case and presented the results of scientific studies. All five experts, including Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Podbielski who had been appointed by the OLG Stuttgart as the preceding court, have consistently found that none of the six publications which have been introduced to the trial, contains scientific proof of the existence of the alleged measles virus. Genetics falsifies thesis of existence In the trial, the results of research into so-called genetic [...]

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