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China Threatens US Bases In Asia With DF-16

In preparation for a possible conflict with the U.S., China has shown off its Dongfeng 16 (DF-16) medium-range ballistic missile during military drills. The Chinese Ministry of Defense released a video showing the Dongfeng in action at an unspecified forest setting during the Chinese Lunar New Year. The highly accurate ballistic missile system is nuclear capable, with a range long enough to threaten U.S. and Japanese bases in Asia. The DF-16 is said to be accurate to within a few meters of its target and has a range of over 600 miles. It directly threatens Taiwan, the hotly disputed South China Sea, the Philippines, and Japanese and U.S. military bases in Asia — including Okinawa — with a nuclear first strike. China’s war posturing follows from Obama’s pivot to Asia and President Trump’s confrontational stance against the country. What most worries China is the gossip among nuclear powers about the use of nuclear missiles as a possible first-strike weapon, in anticipation of an upcoming full scale war. The Free Thought Project reports: Increasingly bellicose posturing between President Donald Trump’s administration and the Chinese government over iterations of a trade war, as well as Beijing’s aggression in the South and East [...]

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