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McCann’s Fight Claims That They Faked Their Daughter’s Abduction

Madeleine McCann’s parents have launched a fresh legal battle over police claims that they faked their daughter’s abduction. Kate and Gerry McCann launched the legal battle to overturn a Portuguese court ruling that failed to clear them of involvement in the disappearance of their daughter Madeleine. The legal battle is expected to wipe hundreds of thousands from a search fund. Their lawyer confirmed they would be using money from the “Find Madeleine” fund in a bid to overturn the ruling, and challenge claims by former police chief Goncalo Amaral. The Mail Online reports: The country’s Supreme Court last month rejected their last-ditch appeal over his 2008 book ‘The Truth of the Lie’ in which he alleged Maddie died in their holiday flat and they faked her abduction to cover up the tragedy. Judges backed a lower court’s April 2016 decision to reverse their 2015 libel win against the ex-detective, leaving the couple facing a huge legal bill and the nightmare prospect of being sued by Amaral. And they also challenged Gerry and Kate’s insistence they had nothing to with their daughter’s disappearance in a devastating put-down which is said to have sparked their fresh legal challenge. The McCanns have now [...]

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