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Kremlin: Fake News Responsible For Anti-Russian Hysteria In U.S.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has issued a scathing attack against the anti-Russian hysteria being perpetuated by the mainstream media in the West, urging Democrats to stop their disinformation campaign.  Peskov told CNN on Sunday that certain mainstream media outlets in the U.S. were deliberately spreading ‘fake news’ in order to create an irrational and baseless fear about Russia in the minds of the American public. His comments come days after Senator Richard Blumenthal announced he would be appointing a special prosecutor to probe Russia’s alleged role in hacking the U.S. election – a claim that has been disproven by the recent Wikileaks Vault 7 release. reports: According to a recent CNN/ORC poll, 65 percent of the respondents (82 percent of Democrats and 43 percent of Republicans) support the idea of appointing a special prosecutor to investigate these issues. “Yes, we do worry… If you load the public opinion with a huge burden of fake news, of these fake blamings on Russia, if you repeat every day numerous times that Russia is guilty of everything, Russia is interfering, Russia is trying to hack everything in our country and everything that goes wrong in our country is because of Russia, if you repeat it… than you will have more than 65 percent.” “So, we consider it a real [...]