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“Our Western Values” No Longer Exist

“Our Western Values” No Longer Exist

Paul Craig Roberts

Let’s be honest. The US attack on Mosul, Iraq, is not an attack on ISIS. It it a repeat of Israel’s operation Cast Lead in Gaza. The purpose is to kill as many Muslims for Israel as possible. Here is the evidence:

Remember, the reason ISIS is in Iraq and Syria is that the US equipped ISIS and sent ISIS to overthrow Assad when the British Parliament and the Russian government blocked Obama’s planned invasion of Syria. ISIS is Washington’s creation, just as is Al Qaeda.

After 16 years and trillions of dollars, the Afghan Taliban still holds sway over “the world’s only superpower” Here is a US general’s excuse for America’s military defeat: It is the Russians’ fault!

Why are the Democratic Party, the liberal/progressive/left, the twin idiots John McCain and Lindsey Graham, and the American and European peoples so unconcerned with the waste of trillions of dollars in the destruction of millions of lives and the infrastructures of Muslim countries along with the reputation of the Western World? How can it be that tranny toilet facilities are more important than the West’s ongoing gratuitous destruction of Muslim countries?

Why is the liberal/progressive/left helping the military/security complex add Russia to the list of Western Civilization’s war crimes?

How much evidence is required before it is clear that Western Civilization is empty of integrity, judgment, reason, morality, empathy, compassion, self-awareness, truth, empty of everything that Western Civilization once respected?

All that is left of the West is insouciance and unrestrained evil.

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