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Project Veritas Exposes CNN's Van Jones: "The Russia Thing Is Just A Big Nothing Burger"

Yesterday, after dropping his first undercover CNN bombshell, which starred producer John Bonifield admitting that CNN's endless 'Russian meddling' crusade was "mostly bullshit" directed by the network's CEO Jeff Zucker with the sole intent of spiking ratings, Project Veritas' James O'Keefe promised there was more to come.  And, all we knew was that the subject of the second video would be "someone we all knew..."

As it turns out, that 'someone' is none other than CNN's Van Jones who inadvertently got caught revealing his true thoughts on CNN's 'Russian meddling' narrative, namely that the whole story is a "big nothing burger."

PV Reporter:  "What do you think is going to happen this week with the whole Russia thing?"


Van Jones:  "The Russia Thing Is Just A Big Nothing Burger"


PV Reporter:  "Really?"


Van Jones:  "Yeah."

Here is the full Van Jones footage for your viewing pleasure:


Of course, while we're happy that Van Jones decided to tell the truth, if only while he thought no one was listening, we do wonder how he intends to explain his seemingly conflicted 'on-air' versus 'off-air' personalities to his children.  As you may recall, Jones was the same distraught CNN commentator who spent election night describing Trump as a "bully" and a "bigot" all while saying that his "biggest fear" was how he could explain Trump's victory to his children...

Perhaps it's time to think about how you can explain to your children why you exploited your position and fame to provoke mass hysteria among a divided American electorate, over a story you knew to be false...hysteria which very well could have contributed to a mass shooting that nearly claimed the life of Steven Scalise.

(h/t HH)


Finally, here is yesterday's video for those who missed it: