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Caught On Tape: Spanish Police Kill Four Suicide Bombers In Separate Terrorist Plot

Spanish police have shot and killed four people while carrying out an operation in response to what was reportedly another terrorist attack in a town south of Barcelon .

The regional police for the Catalonia region said on Twitter early on Friday that officers are in Cambrils, a seaside resort town about 100 kilometers (62 miles) from Barcelona, where they are dealing with a "possible terror attack."

Videos capturing the shooting and the immediate aftermath were distributed on twitter:

The military operation was announced around midnight local time, when the Catalonia emergency service tweeted: "IF YOU'RE NOW IN £Cambrils avoid going out. Stay home, stay safe. Police operation ongoing."

The service urged people in the town not to go out on the streets.

As AP reports citing Spain's RTVE, regional police troopers killed four people and injured another seven. The broadcaster added that the police suspected they were planning an attack in Cambrils just hours after a van swerved onto a pedestrian promenade in Barcelona, killing 13.

It also adds that according to police sources, "the terrorists carried explosives attached to the body." The broadcaster said the suspects tried to carry out a similar attack to the one in Barcelona.

Which begs the question: has Spain become the focal point of another suicide bombing terrorist cell?
