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Futures Saunter Higher In Careless Jaunt Towards Dissipation

Fascism has been rearing its ugly head all weekend in Spain and has delighted investors to no end. S&P futures are heading up now, +3 in early trade. Over in Europe, the optimism born in Spanish law and order has become somewhat infectious, delighting traders there to no end, sending DAX futs higher by 0.45%.

Gleaning from the good news in Europe, Asian markets are soon gearing up to rip ahead.

The copper trade is improving, as we speak, up by more than 0.8%.

Quite literally, nothing can stop the charge of higher indices that now posses both the gusto and fervor to envelope the bears who gambol about in search of malevolent detail. The accrual of gains, and the insipid rise of valuations, haven't deterred markets from undergoing extreme bouts of hedonistic exploits -- engrossed with endless abundances of hard liquor, narcotics, and interminable torrents of legal marijuana.

I am here to inform and educate all reading this treatise that equities shall rise forever, an ephemeral dream of psychdelic green mist and lavender splashes on top of soft mountains of ivory powder -- fastidiously driven through hand crafted platinum cylinders into the nasal cavities of all of the finest people in America -- the very smartest and wealthiest amongst us.

NASDAQ futures just upticked again, now +10. Enjoy the balance of your evening.