There shouldn't be a Federal Reserve, but it exists, and it's constantly creating a world of economic pain.?
Each Federal Reserve bubble must turn into a bust. It's unavoidable.
Ron Paul discusses the latest bubble below...
According to the central planners, the "solution" for the bust is more creation of new money and credit.
That's the only way they can keep their "system" alive.
When the Fed's stock market bubble burst in 2000, it responded by creating new money and credit. Lo and behold, this led directly to the next bubble that was even bigger.
When the housing bubble burst in 2008, Wall Street was bailed out by taxpayers, and TRILLIONS of new dollars were created as the "solution."
And now, almost 10 years later, we have an even bigger bubble than 2008.
The central planners at The Fed have done it again.
How much longer will we allow this "system" to last? How much economic pain will it take to return to sound money again?