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John McCain’s Walking Boot Mysteriously Swaps Sides Two Weeks After Treatment For Torn Achilles Tendon

Content originally published at

81 year old John McCain (R-AZ) has had a string of unfortuate heath issues this year. In mid-july, the Arizona Senator underwent brain surgery for aggressive cancer – returning to Washington D.C. five days later to cast his vote against the healthcare bill.

Then, a little over two weeks ago McCain was treated for a tear to his achilles tendon at Walter Reed medical center – emerging on November 6th in a walking boot on his RIGHT leg:

Somehow, some way, it appears McCain’s tear has switched sides two weeks later! 

Maybe the honorable Senator from AZ is feeling so great two weeks after tearing his tendon that he forgot which side the injury was on? 

To verify that the images weren’t reversed, one can observe the buttons on McCain’s blazer on McCain’s right side in both pictures.


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