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Libya’s FM Says They Are Not Seeking International Intervention

Libya’s Foreign Minister said that the country does not need any foreign intervention to cope with threats to its security, including terrorism. Mohamed Al-Dairi said that Libya just needs better weapons, and some help “in training and planning,” The UK were expecting to be asked to send troops, with some suggestions up to 1,000 could be deployed along with a small number of Special Forces. US special ops forces arrived in Libya earlier this month and were immediately told to leave. Local commanders questioned their presence in the war torn country, and the Libyan air force posted their pictures on Facebook. RT reports: Libya is not going to request foreign airstrikes against terrorist groups. It will ask the UN Security Council to lift restrictions concerning access to “adequate weaponry” imposed on the country’s army, once the government of the national accord is formed, Al-Dairi said in an interview on Sunday with RT. “However, at this stage, we are not seeking any international intervention,” he said. The minister also said Libya is not receiving “any tangible support” from Western countries and expressed hope for more support in the future, especially in planning and training. At the same time, he said “a [...]