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Bahrain Halts All Flights To & From Iran Over Saudi Embassy Attack

A day after it joined Saudi Arabia in severing diplomatic ties with Iran, Bahrain has halted all flights to and from the Islamic republic. Bahrain’s transport ministry announced the move Tuesday in a statement carried by the official Bahrain News Agency. Kuwait also recalled its ambassador from Tehran on Tuesday amid a growing regional dispute surrounding Saudi Arabia’ execution of a Shiite cleric on Saturday. The Mail Online reports: Bahrain is a close ally of Saudi Arabia, which severed diplomatic ties and also halted all flights to and from Iran after Iranian protesters attacked Riyadh’s diplomatic missions, violence stemming from Saudi Arabia’s execution of a prominent opposition Shiite cleric. Bahrain is ruled by a Sunni monarchy but has a Shiite majority which supported mass protests in 2011 demanding greater political rights. The civil aviation department of Bahrain’s Transport Ministry said it would take steps to minimize any inconvenience for travelers who have prior reservations. Hundreds of protesters are marching in Bahrain to denounce Saudi Arabia’s execution of a Shiite cleric. The march was happening Tuesday afternoon in Sitra, south of Bahrain’s capital, Manama. An Associated Press journalist saw police fire tear gas and birdshot, while some protesters threw gasoline bombs. [...]