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As Russia Targets Daesh In Syria, Reinforcements Arrive Via Turkey

Russian aircraft have conducted over 300 sorties and hit nearly 1,100 Daesh terrorist targets in Syria since the beginning of 2016, according to an announcement by the Russian General Staff on Monday. He added that terrorist groups operating in Syria continue to receive reinforcements via Turkey Sputnik reports: “With the help of the Russian aviation the Syrian Democratic Forces under the command of Ayman Flyat al-Ganim continue the advance on the Daesh capital — Raqqa. They have taken control over al-Salhiya, Rdzheman-Alaia, el-Qria and Hadriyat-Ayn-Isa,”Rudskoy said. Terrorist groups operating in Syria continue to receive reinforcements coming through Turkey, despite all efforts by the global community the Russian General Staff announced. “However, despite all the efforts by the international community to stop supplies to terrorists, reinforcements continue to reach regularly northeastern Latakia from the Turkish territory,” Rudskoy said.   “Russian jets are striking the terrorists’ strongholds in Syria. We have conducted 311 sorties and destroyed at least 1,097 targets in the provinces of Aleppo, Latakia, Homs, Damascus, Deir-er-Zor, Hasakah, Daraa and Raqqa,” Rudskoy said. “As a result of the Russian airstrikes the terrorists continue to suffer losses”, head of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Sergei Rudskoy added.   Over 150 towns and villages in Syria have been freed over the last 1.5 months thanks to the support provided to Syrian troops by Russian aviation, the Russian General Staff said Monday. [...]