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Russia Prepares For Military Response To NATO Expansion Plans

Russia are dispatching heavy military equipment towards the Western front in response to the expansion of NATO forces along their borders.  Military tensions between Russia and NATO escalated at the beginning of 2016 as NATO-allied forces taking part in operation “Atlantic Resolve” increased their presence in the Baltic states. Fort Russ blog reports: Yesterday the Minister of Defence of Poland Antoni Macierewicz, on the Polish radio station ‘Maryja’, once again expressed the hope that in the near future at the NATO summit in Warsaw will overcome the “German veto” on the formation throughout the country of permanent military bases of the Alliance. In response, Russia continues to improve its forces, using the elements of hybrid war. Moscow is worried about the bellicose attitude of Poland. This country has already approached NATO with a request to place nuclear weapons on its territory. According to the Deputy Minister of Defence of Poland, Tomasz Siemoniak, the Alliance has a program in which NATO members can have nuclear weapons in the country-ally. This is highly likely, and not only in Poland or Lithuania, but also in other countries of Eastern Europe. This unequivocally was made clear recently by the Supreme commander of the allied [...]