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Swedish police

Swedish Police Discover ‘Sadistic Pedophile Ring’

Swedish police have uncovered and dismantled a huge sadistic pedophile network in Sweden resulting in the arrest of seven men connected to the pedophile ring.  According to WikiLeaks, the Clinton Foundation had extensive influence in Sweden up until very recently. Sweden’s business with Clinton Foundation in a geopolitical context — WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 3, 2016 The Clinton Foundation and Sweden have enjoyed a really close relationship in the past.

Sweden: Death By Immigration

Sweden: Death By Immigration

Submitted by Ingrid Carlqvist via The Gatestone Institute,

  • The atmosphere on Swedish social media is now almost revolutionary. People post videos of themselves accusing the government of murder, of filling Sweden with violent people.

  • When Alexandra Mezher was murdered, she was alone in the residence with ten asylum seekers. She was stabbed by one of the "children" she cared for.