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Why Economic Data No Longer Matters

Back in mid-2009, we said that with the Fed and central banks nationalizing capital markets, macro and even micro data and newsflow will matter increasingly less and less, and the only thing that does matter is the Fed's weekly H.4.1 statement, showing the changes to the Fed's balance sheet. It also means that so-called "data dependency" is a farce (it is, and has always been "Dow dependency"), and that the impact of incremental newsflow will shrink with every passing week until virtually nobody pays attention (we have largely reached this state now).

Goldman Turns Less Confident On June, September Rate Hikes

Following disappointing CPI prints for two months in a row, even such stalwart believers in the Fed's tightening cycle as Goldman Sachs (recall Hatzius warned recently that the Fed may need to "shock" markets to tighten monetary conditions in light of the S&P relentless grind higher despite rising rates) are suggesting that the Fed's rate hike trajectory for the rest of 2017 is suddenly in question.
